The 2018 Chevrolet Bolt EV: your best ecological car’s option
December 01 2018, St-Eustache Chevrolet

“Green” cars are still at their infancy stage and seem so far to be reserved to pioneers of the green revolution. These types of vehicles are separated in two categories: hybrid cars and (completely) electrical cars. The 2018 Chevrolet Bolt EV belongs to the latter and represents the best option for people that want to drive in the most eco-friendly way at this point. You’ll find it at St-Eustache Chevrolet, your Chevrolet car dealer from Saint-Eustache, near Laval.
A 100% electrical vehicle
It’s important not to confuse electrical cars with hybrid cars: the latter are vehicles powered by both a gas and one or several electrical engines, plus a battery. The electrical engines are fully utilized when you choose to rely entirely on the battery and when it weakens, a gas generator hands over the rein to the main engine. The idea is to provide the driver with a maximal ecoenergetic autonomy via an efficient electrical battery without limiting him to the still fairly low mileage allowed by this type of power source. This last argument is one of the main reasons for which electrical cars (those that rely
entirely on an electrical engine and a battery) are still shunned by consumers. The 2018 Chevrolet Bolt EV offers an impressive 380 kilometers (238 miles) of autonomy with a single charge! It’s superior to hybrid vehicles offered by the competition on this area, on top of being an even more ecological option.
Because you don’t fix something that’s not broken
The 2018 Chevrolet Bolt EV didn’t radically change since last year, and it’s completely normal: why would one change a winning formula? Besides the heated steering wheel that turns itself on and off depending on the cabin’s temperature, all the elements that ecological cars’ pioneers came to love on the previous model are back, including the powerful electrical engine that generates around 200 horsepower (which is more than your average sedan’s). If you missed the 2017 Bolt, don’t do the same mistake this year, especially considering the harsh winter we’re going through!
Everything seems to indicate that the future of the automotive industry will be electrical, so why wait to be forced to follow the pack when you can lead it? Make the good choice and go at once at St-Eustache Chevrolet, your Chevrolet car dealer from Saint-Eustache, near Laval, to check out and test the 2018 Chevrolet Bolt EV.